i3wm keybindings Thinkpad T550

Dec 08, 2019

#Linux#Arch#i3wm#Thinkpad T550

Photo by Eamonn Maguire on Unsplash

Keybindings Thinkpad T550

Keybindings for the Thinkpad T550 special keys.

By special keys I mean the calculator, lock, browser and folder key you find on the Thinkpad's keyboard. The calculator and browser button had their own keycode assigned, but the lock and the folder key send a key combination. The lock key on windows sends windows+l, which one can map to $mod+l on i3. The folder key similar to the lock key sends out windows+e or $mod+e on i3.

$mod+e is default mapped to "layout toggle split" which I remapped to $mode+x so that I could use the folder special key.

// .i3 > config

# thinkpad calc button
bindcode 148 exec terminal -e 'calc'

# thinkpad browser button
bindcode 180 exec chromium

# thinkpad lock button (=$mod+l)
bindsym $mod+l exec --no-startup-id i3exit lock, mode "default"

# thinkpad folder button (=$mod+e)
bindsym $mod+e exec pcmanfm

Alternatively the browser and the calculator button have their own bindsym too

// .i3 > config

# thinkpad calc button
bindsym XF86Calculator exec terminal -e 'calc'

# thinkpad browser button
bindsym XF86HomePage exec chromium

# thinkpad lock button (=$mod+l)
bindsym $mod+l exec --no-startup-id i3exit lock, mode "default"

# thinkpad folder button (=$mod+e)
bindsym $mod+e exec pcmanfm


About me

My name is Sander Vervaeke and I’m a full stack web developer from Kortrijk, Belgium. I’m very passionate about programming and making things in general. Currently I work as a mobile, web and IoT consultant at delaware. Besides programming and being a maker, I also really enjoy cooking and fencing.

Copyright © 2021, Sander Vervaeke

Coded and deployed by me with ❤️